On Wednesday 14/3/12 St Francis Xavier middle school, yr 5s and yr 6s. Went on a trip to Waitangi.
The school went on buses to Waitangi, the trip was long. When the school got to Waitangi, the school got excited, and when school got out of the busses, they had to line up and take a walk through a track in the bush, to get to the powhiri.
When the school had lined up for the powhiri. It took a while for the powhiri to end. Next the 1st group split up into 3 groups. 1 grope had morning tea, the 2nd group went to see a big waka. The waka is called Ngatokimatawhaorua.( It's also the biggest waka in the world.) The 3rd group went to see a little village.
After the groups rotated around the different places they went to see the Treaty House. It had lots of cool stuff in it like a musket, a copy of the treaty and lots more.
At the end of the trip, the people of Waitangi said thanks for coming. The school had to walk the track again to the buses. The school had a long trip back to school, and came back just in time for the bell.
By Ezra
Ezra - You've done a great job retelling our trip to Waitangi. I like the way you've used paragraphing to separate the different sections of your writing. Great effort.